Color (colour)

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(1) Sensation. That characteristic of the visual sensation which enables the eye to distinguish differences in its quality, such as may be caused by differences in the spectral distribution of the light rather than by differences in the spatial distribution or fluctuations with time.
(2) Of an object. The particular visual sensation (as defined above) caused by the light emitted by, transmitted through, or reflected from the object

Note: The colour of a non-selfluminous object is dependent on the spectral composition of the incident light, the spectral reflectance or transmittance of the object and the spectral response of the observer. Colour can be described approximately in terms of hue, saturation and lightness, or specified numerically by chromaticity co-ordinates e.g., those defined by the C.I.E. Standard Observer Data (1964). Alternatively, colour can be specified by reference to visual standards, e.g., the Munsell Colour Atlas.

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The actual color of the wool. In industry a bright white to cream is most desirable; canary stains, brown or black stains are undesirable

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