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(1) (Fibre)The waviness of a fibre. Note: This fibre characteristic may be expressed numerically as the crimp frequency or as the difference between the lengths of the straightened and crimped fibre, expressed as a percentage of the straightened length

(2) (Yarn)(UK., take-up, regain, shrinkage) The waviness or distortion of a yarn that is due to interlacing in the fabric

Note: In woven fabrics, the crimp is measured by the relation between the length of the fabric sample and the corresponding length of yarn when it is removed therefrom and straightened under suitable tension.

Crimp may be expressed numerically as (a) percentage crimp, which is 100 divided by the fabric length and multiplied by the difference between the yarn length and the fabric length, and (b) crimp ratio, which is the ratio of yarn length to fabric length. In both methods, the fabric length is the basis, that is to say, 100 for percentage crimp and 1 for crimp ratio. This definition could logically be applied to knitted fabrics or fabrics of pile construction, but it is preferable to employ special terms, e.g., ‘stitch length‘, or ‘terry ratio’

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The wave effect in the wool fiber. Usually the finer wools show the most crimp. Uniformity of desired crimp generally indicates superior wool.
(1) distinct. refers to crimps that are sharp and clear — fine wools have more crimps per inch/
(2) bold. larger crimp refers to spaces widely apart — coarser wools have fewer crimps per inch.

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